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Презентация На Тему Астана На Английском

Презентация для обобщающего урока по английскому языку по теме 'Kazakhstan and the United Kingdom' для учащихся 8 класса. Прзентация содержит в себе страноведческие вопросы о политической системе, географическом положении Казахстана и Великобритании.

Презентация предусматривает сравнительную характеристику Казахстана и Великобритании. Также содержит вопросы на знание пословиц английского языка, на знание достопримечательностей Великобритании, и задания на повторение грамматической темы 'Прямая и косвенная речь'. KAZAKHSTAN AND THE UNITED KINGDOM The first round.

Answer the questions. How many regions are there in Kazakhstan? 14.

Презентация на тему 'Kazakhstan. Пословиц английского языка, на знание. Is Astana situated on?

When do we celebrate the Independence Day? On the 16th of December. Who is the head of Kazakhstan? Nazarbayev. What kind of state is Kazakhstan?

Democratic republic with presidential form of government. What is the state language of Kazakhstan?

Kazakh. What river is Astana situated on? The Ishim. What chambers does Kazakh Parliament consist of? The Senate and the Majilis.

What kind of state is UK? A constitutional monarchy. Whose name is everything done in? The Queen’s.

What is the state language of the UK? English. What vegetable do people use for Halloween Party? Pumpkin. What chambers does the British Parliament consist of?

The House of Commons and the House of Lords. What is the official name of the UK? The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

What city is the capital of Scotland? Edinburgh. What city is the birthplace of Shakespeare? Stratford-on Avon.

What is the longest river in England? The Severn.

Презентация На Тему Астана На Английском Языке Скачать Бесплатно

What is the national emblem of Wales? Shamrock. What the universities are the oldest and prestigious in Great Britain? Oxford and Cambridge The second round. Read and complete. In the east Kazakhstan borders on. China.

The main lake in Kazakhstan is. Balkhash. The birthplace of William Shakespeare is. Stratford-on Avon. The Romans called Britain.

Albion. The national flower emblem of Scotland is. the thistle. The Scottish lake in which there is supposed to be a monster is.

Loch Ness. The Union Jack is. the flag of the UK.

Sir Christopher Wren built. St.Paul’s Cathedral.

Great Britain is separated from the continent by. the English Channel. What parts does Great Britain consist of?. England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. You can see the column with a statue of Nelson in.

Trafalgar Square. The national dress of the Scots. Kilt The third round. Guess the meaning of the text The fourth round.


Match the proverbs: A good beginning Art is long So many men As you make your bed East or West Better late No news He laughs best so many minds home is best than never makes good ending is good news life is short so you must lie on it who laughs last The fifth round. Find mistakes and correct them. I said to friend I will go to Astana the next week. I told my friend I would go to Astana the next week. Askar asked me if I have seen Aisha Bibi`s Mausoleum. Askar asked me if I had seen Aisha Bibi`s Mausoleum.

The teacher asked us who is the first cosmonaut of Kazakhstan. The teacher asked us who was the first cosmonaut of Kazakhstan. Tom said that this book was written by W. Tom said that that book was written by W. He asked them what national holidays do they know. He asked them what national holidays they knew.

Nina told me she is going to visit London the next year. Nina told me she was going to visit London the next year. The sixth round. Complete the proverbs in three languages.

Actions speak louder than words. Слова сөздер 2.

First think then speak. Говорить сөйлеу 3.

He laughs best who laughs last. Последний соңғы 4. All is well that ends well. Хорошо жақсы 5. Live and learn. Учись оқы II team 1.

The right thing is in the right place. Место орын 2. There is no place like home. Never put till tomorrow what you can do today. Сегодня бүгін 4. East or west home is best.

Презентация На Тему Астана На Английском Языке


Лучший ең жақсы 5. Rome was not built in one day. День күн The seventh round. Recognize the sightseeing. Big Ben The Houses of Parliament National Gallery Piccadilly Circus Tower Bridge Tower of London Trafalgar Square Westminster Abbey Buckingham Palace St. Paul’s Cathedral Bayterek Mausoleum of Aisha-Bibi Houses of government in Astana The Khodzha Akhmed Yasavi Mausoleum Medeu Monument of Abylayhan in Almaty Central Mosque in Almaty Hotel « Kazakhstan » Central State Museum of Kazakhstan The Royal family Elizabeth II Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Напоминаем, что в соответствии с профстандартом педагога (утверждён Приказом Минтруда России), если у Вас нет соответствующего преподаваемому предмету образования, то Вам необходимо пройти профессиональную переподготовку по профилю педагогической деятельности. Сделать это Вы можете дистанционно на сайте проекта 'Инфоурок' и получить диплом с присвоением квалификации уже через 2 месяца! Только сейчас действует СКИДКА 50% для всех педагогов на все 111 курсов профессиональной переподготовки! Доступна рассрочка с первым взносом всего 10%, при этом цена курса не увеличивается из-за использования рассрочки! Описание слайда: Policy in Kazakhstan The foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is determined by the President and implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the work of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan currently has become a major player in international politics, which is caused by its good geographical position on the border between the two continents, Europe and Asia, between the key actors in international relations, the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China. The presence of extensive territories ( 9th place in the world by area ), huge reserves of minerals and other natural resources enables the country to raise its international political rating. Описание слайда: Population The total population of Kazakhstan according to the current year by January 1, 2014 is 17,165,239 person. Official preliminary results of the 2009 census the proportion of major ethnic groups were published February 4, 2010: Kazakhs - 63.1% of the population, Russian - 23.7%, Uzbeks - 2.8%, Ukrainians - 2.1%, Uighur - 1 4%, Tatars - 1.3%, Germans - 1.1% of other ethnic groups - 4.5%. The number of Kazakhs in 1999-2009 increased thus by 26% (or 2.1 million pers.), Uzbeks - 23% (87 million), the Uighurs - 6% (13 thousand).

Dramatically reduced the number of Germans - 50% (175 thousand), and the Ukrainians - 39% (214 thousand), Tatars - 18% (46 million), Russian - 15% (at 683 thousand. Описание слайда: Climate in Kazakhstan The country is in the temperate zone. In summer the weather is hot, mostly rain and cold winters with little snow. The country clearly expressed 4 seasons.

Winter in Kazakhstan on average begins in November and lasts until April. Air dry and cold winter.

Basically is a clear frosty weather and blowing wind. The invasion of Arctic air masses come frosts to - 50C °.

In this winter thaw possible. Spring in the country begins in mid-April and ends in May.

In this spring weather is very changeable. In just a few days warm, clear weather can turn cold snap. The temperature difference may be 10 ° or more. Summer begins in late May and lasts until mid-September.

Summer air dry subtropical climate of Central Asia invading country sets hot, dry weather, and the temperature can rise up to 40 C °. Все материалы, размещенные на сайте, созданы авторами сайта либо размещены пользователями сайта и представлены на сайте исключительно для ознакомления.

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